
Roskilde Festival is associated with high volume levels, parties, colors and ringing in the ears when the music’s over. At the same time, the festival is also a platform for new social relations and the meeting between people with different backgrounds. At the festival site it can be hard to find refuge from the sound, and we would like do something about that.

Through small, stationary TalkBoxes spread out over the festival grounds, we will provide an oasis in the soundspace and create a room for conversation. First, we would like to create a place to have a conversation without hassle, but at the same time we will also create a different experience of sound and space.

Our idea is to put up closed "installations" – in the manner of a diving bell – where you duck to enter a space where the sound levels are reduced. The installations will have room for two people. The dome is constructed as a dodecahedron with some faces taken out, to form the hole in the bottom. It is then hung in a box made of galvanized plumbing pipes, giving it a floating appearance.

Before and during the Roskilde Festival, we will make measurements of the obtained noise reduction, and make traffic flow counts for selected time intervals and flow analysis around the installation.


Contact if you want to hear more!