Come to Roskilde Festival with DTU

As part of your engineering degree at DTU, you can turn your ideas into reality at one of Europe's biggest music festivals.

Foto: Ditte Valente

Every year, the Roskilde Festival is used as a giant laboratory by DTU students. They test innovative and sustainable technical solutions for everything from water supply and waste sorting to acoustics, accessibility, energy consumption and material recycling.

All DTU students can submit project ideas or propose solutions to challenges posed by the Roskilde Festival. Each project is assigned a supervisor and you receive ECTS points for your work as a student.

Over time, several projects have become a regular part of the festival.

Would you like to help make Roskilde Festival greener and more fun? Study engineering at DTU and become part of the team!

Educations at DTU

Examples of student projects

Roskilde Festival and DTU's partnership

  • The Technical University of Denmark and Roskilde Festival started the partnership in 2010.
  • The aim is to bolster engineering students’ study programmes and develop solutions to the many engineering challenges at the festival.
  • Every year DTU engages more than 100 students with projects at the festival.
  • The students will typically earn five ECTS points in the course of the project period.
  • The collaboration has given the DTU students behind the start-ups Volt, DropBucket, Kubio, and PeeFence a platform for testing their technology before they started their enterprises.

About Roskilde Festival

The Roskilde Festival is a Danish music festival held annually south of Roskilde. It is one of the largest music festivals in Europe and the largest in the Nordic countries.

The festival attracts some of the world's biggest stars and most promising artists, 100.000 guests and 30.000 volunteers every year.

During the event, Roskilde Festival is Denmark's fifth largest city - built in only 2 weeks. This provides a wide range of technical issues that need innovative, theoretical and efficient thinking to solve.