Power consumption

In recent years Roskilde Festival has focused on sustainability, including the electricity consumption. The stalls at Roskilde spend a great deal of energy and it is in the festival's interest to motivate them to lower their consumption.

But in the current setup this is measured only at major hubs and it is difficult to assess the use in each of the stalls. Therefore, it is interesting to collect data for electricity consumption further down in the system, in order to gain an overview of where energy is being used.

The concept of this project is to make measurements of a stall’s components; partly in an attempt to visualize how energy is used, partly to provide a basis for generating ideas for reduction of consumption.

The basic idea is to create an app that can be downloaded by the personnel in the stall (or by the inquisitive consumer). The app will give an overview of the consumption in a way that makes it possible for ordinary people to relate to measurements. The app will indicate the peak-consumption and save today's trends, so the stall owners are aware of peak-loads and when they could potentially turn down their use of electricity.

Finally, the data can be used to analyze the current pay-model and make suggestions for changes that would help the festival achieve their goal of reducing electricity consumption.


Contact info@roskilde.dtu.dk if you want to hear more!