Better hygiene with rewards

What can motivate people to wash their hands more often?

At the Roskilde Festival, basic hygiene practices are often neglected, which can result in health problems and a deteriorating festival experience. The students explored why this happens and if it can be changed.

The project had two sides: First, data were collected about the behavior of the guests. Secondly, it was investigated whether this behavior could be influenced by introducing simple rewards.
A test group of about 100 people where told that their wash-hand habits will be investigated. At the same time, the students also analyzed the enthusiasts' desire to participate in the experiment, and the ways in which they could try to cheat the experiment.

The project is the experimental part of a candidate assignment on how to use block chain technology to improve sanitation facilities in refugee camps. The purpose is to see if it was possible to motivate the festival guests to a particular behavior and how the experiences of this experiment can be translated into a refugee camp context.