Pedestrian overpass

The purpose of the project is to preserve the Roskilde Festival-feeling in Roskilde city throughout the year and not just for a week. One of the ways to that is to connect the city and the festival with an eye-catching pedestrian pathway that embodies the playful and experimenting nature of the festival. The overpass will connect Roskilde train station to the festival area at Dyrskuepladsen, crossing Musicon on the way. In the last years it has been observed that the existing infrastructure is not enough to provide the necessary service when the Roskilde Festival is taking place. For this reason a pedestrian pathway will be developed focusing on the pedestrian overpass crossing the highway Holbækmotorvejen.

The main idea is to not only connect the cultural areas Musicon and Milen, but create a sensuous pathway that takes social activities and into account while having a good functionality and efficiency. Additionally, it will make the area more attractive and easy to access. 

The structure of the main bridge is divided in a series of ramps which gives access to a main pedestrian and cyclist bridge that crosses the highway. On the south side of the highway, the bridge splits up in two paths. At the intersection of these two paths, a social area will be created. This area can be used for temporary exhibitions, activities or a place to relax. The part closest to the festival widens at the end and thereby creates flat stairs to sit on and enjoy the view over the festival.

The design of the main bridge is inspired in the Roskilde Festival logo i.e. an orange  tent. It was designed to appeal to the highway users as a symbolic welcome to Roskilde city.


The students conducted a poll which encouraged festival goers to rank the central elements of a Roskilde Festival pathway. The result can be seen in the attached photo. Hopefully, this poll and the students preliminary design will be included when the design is settled and the overpass is constructed in 2021.